Individual Relationship Counseling

Woman laying in bed smiling. Ready for a change? Are you dealing with narcissistic parents, breakups, or relationships? Individual relationship counseling in Jacksonville, FL can help. Begin online therapy in Florida for individual support

Are you struggling with dating or relationship issues (e.g., a breakup, fear of rejection, difficulty communicating your needs, etc.), stress, anxiety (including social anxiety), a harsh inner critic, low self-esteem, unhappiness, a narcissistic parent, a situation you would like perspective on, workplace issues, or finding meaning or direction?

Dealing with a breakup

Are You Struggling To Cope With The Loss Of A Relationship?

Has your partner or spouse ended your relationship, leaving you feeling shocked and devastated? Perhaps you only dated for a short time, yet you felt a deep connection and dreamed of the future you would share together. Or, perhaps you and your spouse were married for decades. You created a family, and now you don’t know who you are. Or, what your life means anymore. Do you feel overwhelmed by anger, sadness, and uncertainty about what your future holds? Perhaps, you dread facing the world alone and wish you could find a way to heal, rediscover your true self and believe in the possibility of a happy future? 

Person journaling near dried out rose. Needing to grieve a relationship is rational. Break up therapy and individual relationship therapy in Florida provide space for you to process. Begin online therapy in Florida for support!

It is ok to grieve changes and loss of expectations and plans

Grieving in a relationship and the life you hoped for can be an overwhelming, isolating experience. As you struggle to cope with intense, conflicting emotions, you may also wonder how you are going to manage day-to-day responsibilities without your partner. Maybe you spent most of your life at home raising the children, and now feel as though you lack the education and job skills to earn a living and take care of your family. If you don’t have kids living at home, you may dread both spending time in your empty house and leaving to face the world outside, especially if friends and family members don’t seem to understand what you’re going through.

Perhaps, you’re experiencing depression, stress, and avoidance about this new change

Perhaps you drag yourself out of bed in the morning, feel disengaged throughout the day, and zone out in front of the TV at night, hoping to fall asleep. Alternately, you may be throwing yourself back into the world, dedicating all your time to a job search, studying, or even dating. As you scroll through social media sites or dating apps, you may feel disheartened and confused, doubtful that you’ll ever find a relationship like the one you’ve lost. It may be that no matter what you do, you’re constantly confronted by painful reminders of the past, leaving you feeling stuck, empty, and utterly alone. This is where individual relationship therapy in Jacksonville and via online therapy in Florida can provide assistance.

Let’s Face it, Breakups Are Challenging, and Counseling for Breaks Up May Provide Relief

It can be extremely difficult to successfully cope after a relationship breakup. A broken heart actually can, physically, hurt. After a painful breakup, it’s common to build walls to avoid getting hurt. However, if you can’t open up you also might miss out on finding what you want.

As an online relationship therapist, I can help you better understand what went wrong in your previous relationship. Thereby equipping you with tools to better navigate relationships in the future, romantic or otherwise. You can develop strategies for effective communication and learn how to advocate for yourself without withdrawing or lashing out. And, as you improve your relationships with yourself and others, you can feel equipped to build connections based on love and support.

Reasons Clients Begin Individual Relationship Therapy in Florida

  1. A supplement to marriage counseling and couple therapy: A common reason individuals seek out this type of treatment is to augment the work that they are doing in couple therapy. Both the individual and the relationship benefit by gaining greater depth and insight into themselves and their struggle.

  2. Longstanding relationship difficulties: I work with individuals who have difficulty with many of their relationships OR they may have had several failed intimate relationships and want clarity into why that has happened. That is where relationship therapy for singles is helpful!

  3. Only one individual in the partnership wants therapy: Even though the struggle exists within the relationship, only one person agrees to attend therapy. This can be difficult when you think that the other person is the “problem.” Fortunately, participating in individual relationship counseling in Florida can help you gain clarity and foster internal growth.

  4. General relational issues: Other common reasons involve familial disagreements. For example:

A relationship starts with one person (you). Individual relationship therapy is effective at strengthening your relationship.

Individual Relationship Therapy Can Help!

If you are feeling disconnected and wanting more out of your relationship, you have come to the right place. With Individual relationship counseling, I can help you better understand your current relationship dynamics, identify improvement areas and guide you through change. Together, we will explore what you are missing and needing from your relationship. We will talk about how you go about getting your needs met. We will identify and work to give you the tools to communicate your needs in a way that brings your partner closer to you instead of farther away. Our work will give you a clear perspective on your relationship which will help you connect more fully with your partner. It’s not going to be easy. If you want to improve your relationship we will look at your side of the street. It may need to be cleaned up a bit.

While it’s easier to point the finger and list all the awful things your spouse/partner does, it’s much harder to look at yourself. The phrase, “It’s easier to look out a window than into a mirror.” sums it up (at least in my own experience). We will look at your role in the relationship dynamic through the most non-judgmental and compassionate lens possible. I truly believe that everyone’s behavior makes sense in the context of what they are dealing with. Eventually, both parties need to see the problem and change for relationship issues to be fully addressed. But, ultimately changing your behavior and perception is enough to make positive changes in the relationship.

Growing up with a Narcissist (or other personality disorder)

Child hugging bear in distress. Dealing with narcissistic parents is a challenge. Once you grow up, how do you manage the trauma and distress. Try individual relationship counseling in Jacksonville, FL and see how it can support your relationships.

If you seldom had your feelings validated as a child, you may find that you struggle with self-doubt as an adult. If your voice was either silenced and/or criticized, you may have learned to discount your inner compass. This may have led you to question your ability to make good decisions. Being raised by a narcissistic parent can feel both unpredictable and unsettling and lead to significant emotional harm.

Being raised in a narcissistic family, and dealing with narcissistic parents, is like living in a boat that is not well equipped. It is like drifting in the middle of an ocean, where you are humanly abandoned. A child in this situation is subjected to the most indifferent, unstable, and stressful events, many of which a little girl or boy is not ready to handle. This type of traumatic childhood leaves a “dark hole” of emptiness, confusion, and loneliness that must be healed in adulthood.

Therapy can be described using the analogy of a sailor in a boat: 

In this analogy, you and I start out together from the shore. The boat is akin to the therapy room. You are the sailor. The water represents the mind and behavior. I travel alongside you in the boat, working as both an explorer to help you navigate through water and as an anchor to keep you steady when you encounter rough patches or interpersonal challenges. We begin our therapy journey in the shallow end of the water, exploring the surface–we take a look at what comes up for you in your day-to-day life as you deal with relationships.

Woman standing on deck with arms outstretched. Being rediscovering who you are in individual relationship counseling in Jacksonville, FL. Try online therapy in Florida and see how an online therapist can guide you!

Then, as trust builds,

We will explore the deeper parts of the water, e.g., the deeper parts of your internal conflict or struggle as it relates to relationships. As we explore there is a shift in the water, from murky to clarity. The goal is to gain a new sense of yourself–who you are and what you want. You are better able to handle life’s challenges and accept your strengths. The clarity you gain during therapy will ultimately help you make good choices, understand others, and build better relationships with those willing to reciprocate.

Relationships Take Work! Individual Relationship Counseling Can Help!

Relationships are complex. We have ruptures and repairs, miscommunications, and arguments. However, within these issues, there can be a lot of love and understanding when we approach the relationship with the right mindset. If you’re struggling to connect with your partner, family, child, or you’re struggling to maintain a relationship, taking that first step with individual relationship counseling will help. Tru relationship therapy for singles if you’re ready for additional support. 

Begin Individual Relationship Therapy in Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Miami, or Anywhere Via Online Therapy in Florida

Finally, it is important to remember that change begins within and then extends outward. You have to be willing to take a look at yourself and your relationships. Inward exploration that leads to clarification creates a foundation for growth and resolve. If you’re ready to take that next step, begin online therapy in Florida with me, your online therapist. I hope you will join me in individual relationship counseling so we can begin this self-exploration together! When you’re ready, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Danielle Eaton

  2. See if you and your caring online therapist are a good match

  3. Begin the self-exploration and repairing together!

Other Psychotherapy Specialties I offer

We are relational by nature. People need people and it’s important that we connect, feel heard, and make sure we are in healthy and sustainable relationships. If this seems to be right for you, reach out. I also offer additional services for those looking for help in other areas, including trauma (childhood sexual, physical, or emotional abuse), anxiety/perfectionism, and depression, LGBTQ concerns, postpartum anxiety or depression, therapy for young adults, therapy for moms, and more. When you’re ready, begin online therapy in Florida!